
[re]member your first video game?
The game you saw at your friend's - or in an ad - or in a store ...

... the game that you really really really wanted?


[re]member what it was like when you first got to play that game?

Try to [re]capture that moment - the promise of the challenge ahead of you. [re]live the excitement and joy of the younger-you playing that video game.



[re]new that excitement to [re]define how you play today. [re]experience that feeling of joy.

[re]visit and [re]play those games - and how they made you feel.



Is the 70's the decade of your first gaming memories?

Share your memories.

What is your favorite early memory of playing video games?
Tell us and we'll share it with the world.

loading memories...



About [re]gamed

[re]gamed is a campaign which aims to:

[re]vive the excitement of gamers;
[re]mind gamers what it was like to play games in the "old days";
encourage gamers to [re]flect on how everybody can enjoy gaming.

The project was born at the Game Over Hate conference held in Budapest in the autumn of 2013. The conference was part of the Council of Europe's No Hate Speech Movement.
Although we support all of the goals of the No Hate Speech Movement, the focus of [re]gamed is on the gaming community.
We strive to promote and spread the positive influence a video game can have
on those who play it.

How will we do this? We will:
[re]mind gamers; help them [re]member; and encourage them to [re]experience
the sheer enjoyment of playing a beloved game.

We believe in promoting healthy gaming in our community - allowing everybody to enjoy their gaming experience free of prejudice and hate.


Our Team

Drew Crecente
Drew is from Atlanta. He is the founder and executive director of Jennifer Ann's Group,
a nonprofit organization preventing teen dating violence
through awareness, education, and advocacy (+video games).
The game system he remembers fondly from his childhood is the Atari 2600.

George Psarros
George is from Greece. He is a freelance Graphic Designer, photography enthusiast, and a gamer. He loves traveling and tattoos. He's more into the FPS, Sports, Adventure, and Open World games.
His fav game when he was young is Banjo Kazooie on Nintendo 64.
Petya Yankova
Petya is from Bulgaria. She is a journalist, EVS volunteer, amateur (but avid) blogger,
and the founder of SocialEnterpriseConsultingBG, a blog aiming to inspire young people
to start their own social enterprises in Bulgaria.
In her teens Petya spent hours building houses and getting characters to marry on The Sims.

Thank You.
Special thanks to the wonderful people who have contributed their time and energy to bringing [re]gamed to life!

Mirielle Mendez, Spanish translation
Salo Merkviladze, Georgian translation
Alexey Nitsa, Russian translation
Ádám Rahmi, Hungarian translation